In E2 of our Enchanters plays we added Banners and Classes from Odyssey. In E3 we add Overlords from the Overlords expansion. For E4 we go back to the Odyssey expansion and add Co-op play. In this version of the game you team together or solo play two hands in order to beat the Overlord, instead of seeing which player gets the most glory points.
Category: Play-through
Enchanters | E3 Overlord
In this Enchanters play we’ll add in a card from another expansion, Overlords. This adds an additional enemy to the field and creates some additional play mechanics when items drop off of the journey track. Also we’ll take the Gnolls out and add in the Bandits to the Goblins, Faeries and Cultists.
Enchanters | E2 Banners and Classes
In this Enchanters play we’ll use some cards from one of the expansions, to add a little more flavor to the game. The Odyssey set includes Banners and Classes will replace your standard Fist of Enchanting with a set of cards that give you abilities from the start. Additionally we’ll take the Unicorns out and add in the Faeries to the Goblins, Gnolls and Cultists.
Enchanters | E1 Two Handed Base Game
In this episode we’ll run through a play of the base Enchanters game. I’ll be solo playing two hands as they fight against each other to get the most glory points.
Latest Enchanters Kickstarter
For more info on Enchanters check out Board Game Geek
Marvel Champions | E21 Captain America vs Ultron
Two plays of Ultron vs Captain America and Cap has come out on top each time. This play we kick it up a notch and go after UItron on expert mode. After the last play being so close I’m not feeling good about how this will turn out for Cap.
For more info on Marvel Champions check out Board Game Geek
Marvel Champions | E20 Captain America vs Ultron
The first Ultron victory seemed to come fairly easy, was it a fluke or can it be repeated. Time for another play of the base Captain America deck against the standard Ultron setup.
For more info on Marvel Champions check out Board Game Geek
Marvel Champions | E19 Captain America vs Ultron
Rhino and the Klaw fell to the Captain America deck, will Ultron be able to take down the powerhouse? In the play-through it’ll be the standard Ultron scenario and the Cap deck as it is right out of the hero pack.
For more info on Marvel Champions check out Board Game Geek
Marvel Champions | E18 Captain America vs Klaw
The Captain America deck is still on a winning streak. It has walked through Rhino and then didn’t have much of a problem with Klaw. This episode let’s try expert Klaw and see if we can slow that Cap deck down, or is it just that good.
For more info on Marvel Champions check out Board Game Geek
Marvel Champions E17 – Captain America vs Klaw
The Captain America deck tore apart Rhino straight out of the hero pack. Next up is Klaw. There is a previous play against him and this will be the second go. Let’s see how well Cap can manage Klaw and the Masters of Evil
For more info on Marvel Champions check out Board Game Geek
Marvel Champions E16 – Captain America vs Rhino
Rhino has been defeated twice with the Captain America deck. Time to put on the big boy pants and try expert mode. Not having played expert mode before this will be a first and we can find out if Rhino will now crush Cap.
For more info on Marvel Champions check out Board Game Geek