Marvel Champions | E193 Scarlet Witch vs Rhino ( Expert ) | Red Plays
Keyforge | Deck Unboxing and Giveaway E12 | Red Reveals
Marvel Champions | E192 Scarlet Witch vs Rhino | Red Plays
Marvel Champions | E191 Quicksilver vs Crossbones (Expert) | Red Plays
More Marvel Champions Singles

The plan is to break apart a bunch of more sets this weekend. Core and RoRS as well as MsMarvel, Thor and Dr. Strange packs have all been broken apart and added to inventory.
Red Reveals | Marvel Champions | Scarlet Witch Hero Pack
Marvel Champions | E190 Quicksilver vs Crossbones (Expert) | Red Plays
Breaking some Marvel Champions Core Sets

Broke open a couple of Core Set boxes and added them to the inventory. Unfortunately one of the boxes was damaged, so only one of the actual boxes will make it’s way to inventory.
I thought it would be interesting to share the top selling cards. In many cases I ran out of the cards and the sample size is fairly small. I’ve only opened a couple of each set thus far, so it is tough to tell how deep the demand is. Ms.Marvel hero packs seem to have cards in the greatest demand, but the Core set and Wasp have been doing well too. Thus far it is a net loss adventure, but fun none the less.
Top Selling cards thus far |
Earth’s Mightest Heroes |
Never Back Down |
Athletic Conditioning |
Into the Fray |
Team-Building Exercise |
Enhanced Physique |
Under Surveillance |
Enhanced Awareness |
Enhanced Reflexes |
Endurance |
Energy Barrier |
Tackle |
Make the Call |
Get Ready |
Beat Cop |