The second game of Thor vs Rhino went a little bit better, but it still was a loss. There were some good things learned from that round and it’s time to see if we can redeem ourselves in the third round.
Author: skahler
Marvel Champions | E36 Thor vs Rhino
Thor came out swinging during the first game, but Rhino came back and managed to get the win. There were some things learned during that game as it was the first play of Thor. We’ll try to put those into practice during this second game and see if we can get the win.
Marvel Champions | E35 Thor vs Rhino
Alrighty we’ve got Thor, so let’s take him for a trial run against Rhino. How hard can it be? Looking at Thor’s ability to manage minions, I don’t know that solo vs Rhino is going to go very well.
Marvel Champions | Thor Hero Pack
The Thor hero pack has arrived and it doesn’t look like he’s ready to lead as they have paired him with the aggression aspect. Let’s go over the cards in the pack and see what new things we have to work with.
Eclipse | E1 Turn 8
It is the final turn of our battle between Jocasta and Beatrice. Jocasta seems to have dominated most of the game though Beatrice is making a good showing in the final rounds. Let’s wrap up this two player game and see who comes out the victor.
Eclipse | E1 Turn 6-7
We are entering the final turns of this Eclipse session and Jocasta has taken over the center hex and is forming a massive fleet of rift cannon power interceptors. Can Beatrice stay competitive in these final rounds of the game and come up with a strategy that will enable her to get the win?
Eclipse | E1 Turn 4-5
Things have evened out between our two players going into turn 4. Beatrice has recovered and Jocasta has taken first blood, taking out some of the Ancients. Things are set to escalate quickly as we approach mid-game.
Eclipse | E1 Turn 2-3
We start in on turn two of our two player Eclipse game. Things didn’t work out well for Beatrice out of the gate and Jocosta see to have things well in hand. Will the trajectory continue or can Beatrice get back into the game. Let’s find out in turns 2 and 3 where we start to do more than just exploration actions.
Eclipse | E1 Turn 1
Setup is done and it’s time to get the game going. In this episode we’ll step through the first turn of the game. We’ll talk at a high level about each possible action and then dive into Beatrice and Jocasta exploring the galaxy.
Eclipse | E0 Setup
Let’s go through getting the table prepared for a game of Eclipse. We’ll concentrate on getting everything we need ready for a two player Terran game and then following videos will step us through the game. This won’t be an exhaustive rules review, just enough to get the pieces on the table so we can start exploring the galaxy.