I’ve had the Green Goblin Scenario Pack for awhile now and forgot to post a review of the deck contents. Let’s go through the cards in the deck, so you know what you are getting if you buy this pack.
Marvel Champions | E27 Black Panther vs Rhino
Black Panther vs Rhino round three and again we are at expert level. There was a whole lot of retaliate missed last game which is one of Black Panther’s key features. Last game also involved an amazing card draw from the start, so let’s see if we can win a game where the starting hand will likely not be so powerful.
Marvel Champions | E26 Black Panther vs Rhino
This is the second play of Black Panther vs Rhino and I’ve moved it up to expert level Rhino. There were some moments where it was a bit scary on standard, so there is a bit of fear that we’ll get crushed on expert.
Marvel Champions | E25 Black Panther vs Rhino
Getting back to basics it is time to play through more of the character decks from the core box. This time we’ll make use of Black Panther to try to stop Rhino’s evil deeds.
STEM Epic Heroes E1
We’re going to do a play through of the STEM Epic Heroes as a two person game. We’ll just use the base elements to demonstrate the flow of the game, saving Inspiration for a later game as they add complexity.
STEM Epic Heroes
STEM Epic Heroes is a simple set collection game based on having the most famous minds in history perform stages of the scientific method. Let’s walk through what comes in the box and the basics of the game.
Marvel Champions | E24 Captain Marvel vs The Wrecking Crew
Took down the Wrecking Crew on both standard and expert mode with Captain America. Maybe they are just easy because of the hero, so time to switch it up. This time we’ll got at them with Captain Marvel deck right out of the core box and see how it does.
Marvel Champions | E23 Captain America vs The Wrecking Crew
Wrecking Crew seemed pretty easy on standard mode for the Captain America deck. Let’s take it up a notch to the expert mode and see how Cap handles the villains at the next level.
Marvel Champions | E22 Captain America vs The Wrecking Crew
Time to get The Wrecking Crew ( Wrecker, Thunderball, Bulldozer and Piledriver ) on the table to see how Captain America handles the villain foursome. Additionally giving the tokens available from Team Covenant a try along with some 3D printed boards whipped up to help with organization.
Enchanters | E4 Co-op Play
In E2 of our Enchanters plays we added Banners and Classes from Odyssey. In E3 we add Overlords from the Overlords expansion. For E4 we go back to the Odyssey expansion and add Co-op play. In this version of the game you team together or solo play two hands in order to beat the Overlord, instead of seeing which player gets the most glory points.