There have been a few questions about the pieces I’m using when playing Marvel Champions and how I’m doing some of the recording. We’ll take a look at some of the things I’ve done to bling up my game and then take a step back from the table view and look at what I’m using to create it. Talk about the recording set up starts here ( 16:00 ) if you don’t have any interest in the Marvel Champions side of things
Continue reading Marvel Champions Bling + Recording SetupAuthor: skahler
One Deck Dungeon E1
One Deck Dungeon is a good portable game that I think it best played solo, but can also be played multi-player. I’ll cover the basics of gameplay as we step through our first dice chucking dungeon fest.
Marvel Champions | E81 Iron Man (Tech Nova) vs Klaw
Noooooo! Klaw cheated last game, we should have won that one. I can’t believe it turned out that way and he’s going down this time.
Marvel Champions | E80 Iron Man (Tech Nova) vs Klaw
We got the win last time around with Klaw. Still missing some rules and feel like the deck could be played SO much better. Going to take another run at Klaw and see how things work out.
Strawberry Ninja E1
Strawberry Ninja is one of my go to games when I’m looking for something light that plays quick. Let’s see if we can find that Ninja
Marvel Champions | E79 Iron Man (Tech Nova) vs Klaw
Two losses thus far to Klaw. It doesn’t seem like this deck is doing it’s thing over the last couple of games. For as badly as I feel the draws go, it does seem to holds it’s own though. Time for another go and maybe we can get that elusive win.
Marvel Champions | E78 Iron Man (Tech Nova) vs Klaw
So it was obvious in the first game that the cat gave bad advice. The loss lies squarely on his shoulders. Time for another run and see if we can even the score with Klaw.
Marvel Champions | E77 Iron Man (Tech Nova) vs Klaw
The Tech Nova variant of the Iron Man deck handled Rhino well. Thus we need to get ready for the next challenge, which is Klaw. We’ll start off with Klaw standard and see if Iron Man can dispatch this foe with similar ease.
Marvel Champions | E76 Iron Man (Tech Nova) vs Rhino
Two wins with the Tech Nova Iron Man (Protection) setup again Rhino standard. It is time to take it up a notch. We’ll move on to Rhino expert and instead of Bomb Scare we’ll add Power Drain to the deck. With Shocker and Whiplash in the mix it just seems to fit the theme to have Electro be a part of the party.
Marvel Champions | E75 Iron Man (Tech Nova) vs Rhino
First run of the Iron Man Tech Nova deck seemed to go pretty well and we took down Rhino in our first game. Rhino even did some fairly good scheming there and Iron Man managed to clean that up and keep us in a good place. So it is now time for round 2 vs Rhino.