Author: skahler
Marvel Champions | Overkill vs Tough | Red Reviews
There has been some discussion in the comments of some of the episodes on the interaction of Overkill and Toughness on an ally. In this video we’ll review my take on the rules and the response from Caleb.
Keyforge | Deck Unboxing and Giveaway E5 | Red Reveals
It’s week 5 of the Keyforge unboxing and Jason is our winner this week. In addition to Deepvaults of Vilevale and Moreton, Saesoom’s Programmer I’ll be opening up a Mass Mutation deck and add it into the options. In order to be eligible for the giveaway drop a comment on this video with the info I’m asking for at the end of this video, you can comment as much as you want but there will only be one entry per person 🙂 I’ll grab the comments before the next video and randomly select one and that person will get the deck that gets revealed in that next video.
Contest Rules:
Marvel Champions | E150🎉 Spider-Woman vs Taskmaster (RORS:3) | Red Plays
Absorbing Man wasn’t a huge threat but he was just here to distract us. As we head back to Avenger’s Tower it seems like reality shifts and now Hydra is in control of everything. Taskmaster is the head of police and hunting down villains and coming for us.
Marvel Champions | E149 Spider-Woman vs Absorbing Man (RORS:2) | Red Plays
Made it through Crossbones standard without too much of a problem so now we step into scenario two of Rise of Red Skull. It looks like Absorbing Man has come out to play, one of my favorite villains in the Marvel universe.
Marvel Champions | E148 Spider-Woman vs Crossbones (RORS:1) | Red Plays
We’re are kicking off the first of the Rise of Red Skull expansion campaign as Spider-Woman takes on Crossbones. This is going to be a run through at standard difficulty with some tweaks to the Spider-Woman deck.
Marvel Champions | E147 Spider-Woman vs Rhino | Red Plays
Marvel Champions | E146 Spider-Woman vs Rhino | Red Plays
Marvel Champions | E145 Spider-Woman vs Rhino | Red Plays
Marvel Champions | E144 Spider-Woman vs Rhino | Red Plays